Batman V Superman And Beyond: What To Expect From The DCEU

If there is a single, universal truth, it is surely that everything is connected. Nothing happens in a vacuum. Just as our own daily lives intersect and impact upon each other, so does artistic output – and when it comes to the fledgling DC Extended Universe, artistic output is key. Comic books have long been appreciated as the very specific art form that they are, but when the art of comic books is married with the art of filmmaking, something truly magical is born. While we have been enjoying that marriage between Marvel comic books and Marvel Studios for almost a decade now, it is the DC cinematic adaptations that are currently getting fans hot under the collar.

The Flash

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Written and directed by: Seth Grahame-Smith
Starring: Ezra Miller
Release Date: March 16th, 2018

Warner Bros. has always made it clear that, unlike Marvel, its TV shows are not connected to its cinematic output. This was most recently demonstrated by the appearance of Martian Manhunter in promotions for upcoming episodes of Supergirl, even though the DCEU on the big screen is largely going with the New 52 versions of characters (from its 2011 comic book re-launch), and the Justice League.

This makes a great deal of sense, not least because the development of the MCU has, in the past, hindered the development of Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D, for example. However, it does mean that, despite the success of The Flash TV show, starring Grant Gustin as the titular hero, the role has been recast with Ezra Miller for the movie.

So, what can we expect? Well, producer Charles Roven has been heard to say that this will not be an ‘origin story’ movie in the traditional sense that we have been conditioned to require. The solo film for this character will simply continue on from where we left him in Justice League: Part One. This is a great approach, for two reasons.


Firstly, while the TV and film versions are unconnected, it certainly does seem like overkill to basically repeat the same tale on the big screen that’s just been told on the small screen. Secondly, it means that the DCEU will be different, and that’s immediately refreshing and interesting. The character of The Flash is not one that is steeped in centuries of alien or Greek mythology – he’s just a guy that gets struck by lightning. It’s not a complex concept, and can easily be covered in some well-crafted exposition, woven through spectacular new action.

Moreover, the speed abilities of The Flash mean that he can effectively time travel. Therefore, not only are the storytelling opportunities in his solo movies endless, but he also has the ability to tie together the rest of the Justice League – which features ancient figures like Wonder Woman, contemporary figures like Batman, and more futuristic figures, like Cyborg.

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Sarah Myles
Sarah Myles is a freelance writer. Originally from London, she now lives in North Yorkshire with her husband and two children.