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Ben Affleck’s The Batman Will Be “Crammed With Villains”

Fans might not have taken too kindly to Zack Snyder's Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, but if there's one thing that they all agreed on it's that Ben Affleck's take on The Caped Crusader was a definite highlight of the film. So, it's reassuring then to hear that the actor has complete creative control on the character's upcoming solo effort, which is titled The Batman.

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Fans might not have taken too kindly to Zack Snyder’s Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, but if there’s one thing that they all agreed on, it’s that Ben Affleck’s take on The Caped Crusader was a definite highlight of the film. So, it’s reassuring then to hear that the actor has complete creative control over the character’s upcoming solo effort, which is currently titled The Batman.

Rumors in the past have pointed towards the film adapting the famous “Under the Red Hood” story arc, which has Jason Todd return to Gotham City as a vengeful villain who’s after both Batman and The Joker. While fans would no doubt love to see that story on the big screen, Birth.Movies.Death is reporting that due to the similarities between “Red Hood” and Captain America: Civil War, DC isn’t going down that route for the film anymore.


We don’t know which comic book story, if any, will be adapted just yet, but the report does go on to say that The Batman will feature quite a few of the hero’s most famous adversaries.

“It’s going to be crammed with Bat villains, which means that just about every major bad guy you’ve ever wanted to see in a movie will be in this movie,” says Devin Faraci of Birth.Movies.Death. “According to my sources Affleck and Geoff Johns, who has been working with him on the film, want to make the definitive Batman film. They want to tell the ultimate Batman story, and to do so they’re going to bring in all the big guns. They’re going to have a big, sprawling Bat universe already in place.”

As exciting as this sounds, the main concern here is if having all these villains is going to over-crowd the movie. We’ve seen far too many superhero films try to cram a whole bunch villains in just to please fans and the result is almost always a mess. Of course, a lot of the villains who show up in The Batman would likely only make a minor appearance, possibly as a set-up for future instalments, but still, Affleck and Johns need to be careful with this approach.

That being said, we’re definitely excited for what DC is cooking up here. It’ll be great to see some of The Dark Knight’s most iconic foes introduced into the DCEU, especially the ones we haven’t seen on film before, and if there’s anyone who can pull something like this off, it’s Ben Affleck and Geoff Johns.

Tell us, which villains would you like to see in The Batman? Sound off below and let us know!

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