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The Best And Worst Sequels Of 2013

I’m on record as being relatively ambivalent when it comes to an opinion on the virtues of remakes, sequels and reboots. Simply put, any story, whether it’s a retelling or continuation of an old story, or one that’s entirely “new” (if there is such a thing), is dependent on the people telling it more than where it’s drawn from. For every person who can claim that the second movie in a series is always the best (like The Empire Strikes Back), another can claim that movies should usually be left as standalone successes (like Jaws or Psycho).

[h2]3) Star Trek Into Darkness[/h2]

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There’s a contingent of movie people who found the follow-up to 2009’s Star Trek to be downright bad. I’m not one of those people, but it’s hard to deny that Star Trek Into Darkness lacks a few things the original reboot had going for it. I actually mildly enjoyed J.J. Abrams’ second instalment in the series, with its genuinely strong action sequences, development of the friendship between Spock and Kirk, and a reasonably engaging use of 3D.

I share the feelings of those who found the reveal of Benedict Cumberbatch’s oh so mysterious character to be severely anticlimactic, which Abrams himself has since admitted may have been a mistake in its execution. But in addition to the dullness of this revelation, I found the inclusion of Cumberbatch and his performance to be disappointingly lackluster. Standard villainous characters are so 1990.

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