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The Best And Worst Sequels Of 2013

I’m on record as being relatively ambivalent when it comes to an opinion on the virtues of remakes, sequels and reboots. Simply put, any story, whether it’s a retelling or continuation of an old story, or one that’s entirely “new” (if there is such a thing), is dependent on the people telling it more than where it’s drawn from. For every person who can claim that the second movie in a series is always the best (like The Empire Strikes Back), another can claim that movies should usually be left as standalone successes (like Jaws or Psycho).

[h2]4) Iron Man 3[/h2]

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Whether Iron Man 3 surpassed 2008’s Iron Man in terms of quality is up for debate. Most seem to agree that the ugly stepchild of this franchise was the second installment, a forgettable rehashing of generic superhero storylines that squandered the unique character established by Jon Favreau’s first collaboration with Robert Downey Jr.

Despite being released all the way back in May (and who the hell remembers anything more than a month ago, am I right??), Iron Man 3 contained several moments that remain memorable at the end of the year. The climactic sequence was not one of them, mind you. The reveal of the Mandarin’s true identity, however, was one of the most surprising and satisfying setups of movie audiences in all of 2013. The scenes involving Tony Stark trudging in the snow and his new young friend Harley possess the best moments though, with Tony being Tony to the end.

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