
Avengers: Endgame Directors Defend Captain Marvel’s Appearance In The Film

As excited as they were to see her in the second Avengers: Endgame trailer, some Marvel fans were left disgruntled that Carol Danvers' look was very different to her appearance in Captain Marvel. From what we've seen, Brie Larson's heroine sports straightened hair and fuller make-up in the movie, as opposed to her more natural look and wavy hair from March's solo film. 

As excited as they were to see her in the second Avengers: Endgame trailer, some Marvel fans were left disgruntled that Carol Danvers’ look was very different to her appearance in Captain Marvel. From what we’ve seen, Brie Larson’s heroine sports straightened hair and fuller make-up in the movie, as opposed to her more natural look and wavy locks from March’s solo film.

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Some were quick to accuse directors the Russo brothers of being guilty of sexualizing the character, but it seems this criticism isn’t fair. While speaking with /Film, Joe Russo put the record straight and revealed that Carol’s hair and make-up in Endgame was entirely up to Larson herself. If there’s a dissonance in her appearance from CM, that’s because the Avengers film was actually shot first, so Larson was still working out her character.

“She [filmed Avengers: Endgame] before she filmed Captain Marvel, and I think she was experimenting with what the character was. And those were the choices that she and her hair and makeup team had made. And I think as she started to gain a deeper understanding of the character, especially as she approached her own movie. She started to make different choices and as an artist she should be afforded that right to make whatever choice that she wants to make.”

This chimes with what the actress has said about how the experience of filming Endgame was important and special to her as she was able to find her way through Carol Danvers as a person while making the movie. Speaking at the pic’s press junket, the star admitted that she had to “stumble and figure out” things on the job.

“This film [Endgame] will always be personally dear to me because it was my first time playing Captain Marvel,” Larson said at the junket press conference. “We shot this first so I had to stumble and figure out who this character was with no script for this and no script for Captain Marvel, either, and perform for the first time in front of legends.”

Of course, not all fans have reacted negatively to Carol’s Endgame look, with some arguing that she can have her make-up like that and still be a powerful woman. We imagine this is what Larson was thinking when her and her team came up with the heroine’s appearance for the movie. Whatever the case, like Russo said, the actress has the right to make whatever cosmetic choices for her character that she wishes.

Plus, we all know Captain Marvel is going to be the key to defeating Thanos when Avengers: Endgame finally arrives in cinemas on April 26th, so let’s cut her a break, eh?

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Christian Bone
Christian Bone is a Staff Writer/Editor at We Got This Covered and has been cluttering up the internet with his thoughts on movies and TV for over a decade, ever since graduating with a Creative Writing degree from the University of Winchester. As Marvel Beat Leader, he can usually be found writing about the MCU and yet, if you asked him, he'd probably say his favorite superhero film is 'The Incredibles.'