We could spend an infinity discussing and analyzing Avengers: Infinity War, but this week we just settled for an entire episode of Cinemaholics devoted to the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe film.
Assembling one of the largest casts of any superhero pic ever, this is one event movie we couldn’t wait to check out, but now that the hype’s dying down, it’s time to debate where we really stand on what promises to be merely a “Part 1” to Marvel’s massive finale for the first decade of the MCU.
We open the episode with a quick refresher on our thoughts related to the first two Avengers films (and Captain America: Civil War to an extent), and then dive right into a spoiler-free discussion of the movie, including our final thoughts and grades. Following that, we open things up to a spoiler discussion, so be wary of our warning in case you haven’t had a chance to check out the film yet. Though we imagine most of you have seen it by this point.
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Published: Apr 29, 2018 09:16 pm