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First Look At Concept Art From James Cameron’s Avatar Sequel

Are James Cameron's Avatar sequels ever going to become a reality? At this point, it feels like the answer is no, but the filmmaker is still hard at work on putting them together (he apparently has scripts which go as far as a fifth instalment in the sci-fi franchise).

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Are James Cameron’s Avatar sequels ever going to become a reality? At this point, it feels like the answer is no, but the filmmaker is still hard at work on putting them together (he apparently has scripts which go as far as a fifth instalment in the sci-fi franchise).

Avatar 2 is expected to reach us in 2017, and producer Jon Landau has taken to Twitter today to reveal a new piece of concept art, providing an early glimpse at the Na’vi as they will seemingly appear in the sequel.


The plan apparently is for each of the new movies to link up, but in a way which means that they can each stand on their own as well. The real question, though, is does anyone really care about another Avatar movie all these years later? There’s been a long gap between the first and second instalments, and with Marvel and DC Comics movies dominating cinemas, the desire to return to this world may have faded (as has the interest in 3D).

Time will tell whether these sequels find the same level of success as 2009’s Avatar of course, but this first piece of concept art at least keeps our interest somewhat piqued for the time being.

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