When Batman Begins came out in 2005, Christopher Nolan went from a well-known name in the indie world to a hot young name in Hollywood. His first Batman film was much darker and realistic than the previous ones featuring the character. While Batman Begins was a hit with fans and critics, its follow-up film quickly became much bigger. The Dark Knight came out in 2008 and quickly turned Nolan into a superstar and made Batman the most popular comic book character around.
Though the film has been out for over a decade, fans are still drawn to it. There have been dozens of comic book movies made since it was released, including a few featuring Batman, but fans on Reddit still believe that The Dark Knight is the best of the bunch.
With so many great superhero movies coming out over the years, it’s hard for fans to decide on which one is the best. There’s a strong case for The Dark Knight but some fans still prefer 2004’s Spider-Man 2.
Other fans believe that 2017’s Logan also belongs in the conversation.
Other films that got mentioned were X2: X-Men United and Avengers: Infinity War. There were many differing opinions but the general consensus is that The Dark Knight remains the best comic book movie ever made.
Published: Oct 28, 2021 03:19 pm