Last year’s Uncut Gems pretty much confirmed the most frustrating thing about Adam Sandler‘s career. And that’s that he’s perfectly capable of delivering incredible performances in more serious fare, but very rarely takes on those kind of projects and instead seems happy to keep bringing us formulaic lowbrow comedies that he’s been building his entire brand on for decades now.
While the overwhelming majority of his work is often bashed by critics, it appears that viewers are still happy to eat it up and Netflix subscribers, in particular, can’t get enough of him, with the company recently reporting that over 2 billion hours of Sandler-related content have been watched since he inked that big exclusive deal with them back in 2014.
Indeed, Sandler movies – both old and new – typically find themselves as hot properties on Netflix and that’s a trend that continues today, with a forgotten and somewhat underrated Adam Sandler comedy creeping onto the Top 10 charts on the platform.
The comedy in question is 2011’s Just Go With It, which is currently sitting at the number 10 spot on the Top 10 overall chart on Netflix and number 3 on the Top 10 movies list. And given that it only just debuted on the streaming site yesterday, it’ll surely continue to rise throughout the weekend.
For those not familiar with the pic, it follows a plastic surgeon who takes a weekend trip to Hawaii and “enlists his loyal assistant to pretend to be his soon to be ex-wife, in order to cover up a careless lie.” Of course, this quickly backfires and hilarity ensues. With Jennifer Aniston co-starring and the usual Sandler brand of humor clear and present throughout, it’s a perfectly harmless piece of work from the actor and frankly, one of his better comedic efforts.
That’s not saying much, of course, given how low some of his comedies have stooped, and it’s hard to call Just Go With It a great, or even good movie. But for a weekend stream on Netflix, you can certainly do a lot worse. Especially when it comes to Adam Sandler.
Published: May 23, 2020 5:05 PM UTC