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Freddie Mercury Biopic Picks Up Steam By Adding The Theory Of Everything Writer

GK Films' biopic of Queen frontman Freddie Mercury is starting to pick up some steam this week, as it's been announced that The Theory Of Everything writer, Anthony McCarten, will be penning the script. Though the project is still untitled, apparently the studio is toying around with the idea of calling it Bohemian Rhapsody, which is obviously a nod to the band's biggest song.

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GK Films’ biopic of Queen frontman Freddie Mercury is starting to pick up some steam this week, as it’s been announced that The Theory Of Everything writer, Anthony McCarten, will be penning the script. Though the project is still untitled, apparently the studio is toying around with the idea of calling it Bohemian Rhapsody, which is obviously a nod to the band’s biggest song.

In terms of casting, Sacha Baron Cohen was attached for a long time, but departed a few years ago. The most recent name to be linked to the part was Ben Whishaw, and apparently, he’s still the first choice. While no deal has been made just yet, with the actor’s profile quickly rising, it’d be easy to see GK Films snatching him up for their biopic.

Regardless of what happens, it’s clear that the project is picking up some serious steam and it shouldn’t be long now before we get some more concrete developments on it. Until we do, though, tell us, who would you like to see play Freddie Mercury? Are you ok with Whishaw taking the role, or do you have someone else in mind?

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