Now that Justice League‘s opening weekend has come and gone, it’s certainly given us much to ponder when it comes to the future of the DC Extended Universe. Admittedly, this writer agrees with the masses in saying that the film was awesome, but it’s impossible to deny that it fell short of financial expectations. That said, we can only wonder when we’ll be seeing more of Superman, whose own cinematic future is yet to be decided.
Regardless of whatever lies ahead, actor Henry Cavill recently confirmed that he’s contracted to play Big Blue for at least one more film – whether it be in a team-up flick or in a solo outing – in a discussion with LA Times. Furthermore, he expressed his enthusiasm to do so:
“There’s a wonderful opportunity to tell the Superman story. Now there is a fantastic chance to show Superman in his full colors and tell a very complex, character-driven movie that is based on story and have that wonderful sensation of hope and happiness. A feel-good movie with lessons laced in there as well.”
Truthfully, it’s now in the studio’s hands as to where we go next, but fingers remain crossed for both Justice League 2 and Flashpoint seeing the light of day, each of which Kal-El could factor into. But with those unexpectedly low box office numbers for JL that we spoke of earlier no doubt heavily influencing the decision, it’s our hope that, at the very least, another solo film comes to fruition.
We say that because many saw Man of Steel as Superman’s equivalent of Batman Begins, and lamented the fact that he’s yet to get his own counterpart to The Dark Knight, as it were. Having countless comic books to act as source material and one of the deepest rogues galleries around, there’s no shortage of possibilities as to what another sequel could bring.
Published: Nov 20, 2017 5:46 PM UTC