Amazon announced the return of the beloved animated franchise Hotel Transylvania with a new trailer for the fourth entry in the series, entitled Hotel Transylvania: Transformania. The film will stream on Amazon Prime and will be one of the first films to appear on the platform’s 2022 lineup.
The new trailer, which is available to view in full below, features the same family of monsters and ghouls that fans have come to know and love. In this entry, Jim Gaffigan’s Van Helsing uses a transforming ray to turn Andy Samberg’s Jonathan into a monster and the resident monsters of Hotel Transylvania into humans.
Our spooky heroes must trek to the Amazon Rainforest to reverse their transformations lest they remain in their alternate forms forever. Inevitably, they’ll get mixed up in all kinds of hilarious antics along the way.
This latest entry in the Hotel Transylvania saga will also serve as the final send-off for these characters, who have entertained and amused fans for the last decade.
The original Hotel Transylvania first debuted in 2012 to critical acclaim, spawning 3 sequels and giving various actors and comedians the chance to test their voiceover chops in the animated franchise. Adam Sandler played Dracula in the first three entries but is notably absent from Transformania, with Brian Hull taking over the role.
Thankfully, most of the rest of the original cast, including Selena Gomez, Steve Buscemi, Keegan-Michael Key, Kathryn Hahn, and David Spade will be reprising their roles in Transformania.
The film will debut on Amazon Prime Video on Jan. 14, 2022.
Published: Dec 8, 2021 5:12 PM UTC