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Meet X-23 In This New Photo From Logan

Almost ever since Logan entered production, rumors swirled on all corners of the internet that we'd get to meet Laura Kinney in the film. Better known as X-23, the first trailer officially confirmed the speculation and now, we have yet another look at the actress who will be playing her, Dafne Keen.

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Almost ever since Logan entered production, rumors swirled around all corners of the internet that we’d get to meet Laura Kinney in the film. Better known as X-23, the first trailer officially confirmed the speculation and now, we have yet another look at the actress who will be playing her, Dafne Keen.

The photo comes from the film’s official Instagram account, which has been pretty active in recent weeks, giving us shots of Professor X, the Reavers, a severed arm and more. All of these teases culminated in the explosive teaser, but it seems that even with the first bit of footage now out in the wild, the Instagram account will continue to remain quite active.

[wgtc_youtube video_id=”NbUWEbDu_cc”]

As for this new image, it’s fairly bland in that it doesn’t really reveal anything at all. However, from what we’ve heard, the character will actually have a significant role to play in both Logan and the franchise as a whole – if speculation is to be believed, that is.

You see, it’s long been suspected by fans that X-23 would be added to the movies in place of Logan when Jackman steps down. In the comics, Laura takes up the Wolverine title and costume after Logan dies. It’s likely, then, that she’ll do the same in the movies. Though probably once she’s a little older. For now, we look forward to seeing a touching father/daughter relationship between the pair.

Logan hits theaters on March 3, 2017, when Jackman will be joined by Boyd Holbrook, Richard E. Grant, Stephen Merchant, Patrick Stewart and Eriq La Salle.

Tell us, are you happy to see X-23 finally being brought into the franchise? Sound off below and let us know!

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