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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Friday The 13th Franchise Die-light Reel

Since we've already paid respects to one of the mightiest Gods of Slasherdom, A Nightmare On Elm Street's Freddy Krueger, Remy and I thought it fit to run down the Die-light reel for another heavyweight slasher champion - Jason Voorhees. Actually, let me rephrase that - The Voorhees family. While most of the kills Remy and I selected for our Friday The 13th Die-light reel do included the hockey mask wearing villain, Mama Voorhees does sneak a kill in of her own. Sure, Jason may not be as creative as Freddy, essentially keeping to sharp objects that can be found around a camp setting, but the deaths he causes are still bloody brutal.

Remy: Kevin Bacon Neck Spear (Friday the 13th)

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I like this one because it is the first real kill I remember from the series, and at the time, the special effects blew my mind. It may be laughable now years later (silly looking rubber neck), but at the time, the idea that the killer could be under your bed and could totes neck stab you without warning scared the ever-loving shit out of me.

Even Kevin looks surprised…

Nato: Harpoon To The Nards (Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter)

Playing off vulnerability again, when do men feel most vulnerable? Simple – when the livelihood of their pride and joy becomes threatened. Point a gun at a man’s testicles and he’ll calmly ask you to aim it anywhere else. That’s just a no-no zone which must be kept safe at all times. You all get the severity, right? Well, now imagine the reaction of every single dude watching Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter and witnessing Paul take a harpoon straight to the groin. For the love of all that is holy, this kill is iconic for a reason – especially among the male crowd. Every time I see this kill, I have the same routine – grab crotch, double over in imaginary pain, vomit, pass out.

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