A Beautiful Life
Image via Netflix

Netflix’s number one film this week was a Danish rom-com about a fisherman

A must watch.

Netflix has announced its weekly Top 10 list, and guess which film made it to number one? It’s the newly released Danish musical drama, A Beautiful Life which, through its gripping rags-to-riches narrative has climbed up to summit in terms of popularity and viewership.

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If you haven’t seen the movie and are intrigued to get an idea of the plot, the story revolves around a young fisherman, Elliott (Christopher Lund Nissen) who after getting discovered for his musical talents by a high-profile producer Suzanne (Christine Albeck Borge) embarks on his journey to become a star while struggling the challenges posed by his past life and finding a romantic partner in Lily (Inga Ibsdotter Lilleaas).

The engrossing plot aside, the movie’s casting choices – especially selecting Christopher for the role of the protagonist – Elliot has earned a lot of acclaim. This is not only due to the actor’s praiseworthy performance, but also a convincing portrayal of a musician owing to his status as a celebrated Danish pop star in real life.

The news of the movie’s success was shared by the actor/pop star on Instagram, where he posted a video of spraying champagne alongside the caption, “Honey, I’m So High. ” His comment beneath the caption is a celebratory statement on the film’s first position where he wrote, “WTF!!!! A Beautiful Life is the number 1 movie on @netflix in the world right now” followed by dollops of emojis.

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Image of Jayasmita Dutta Roy
Jayasmita Dutta Roy
A keen lover of cinema, Jayasmita harbors an utmost interest in staying updated about everything ranging from the classics to contemporary blockbusters. When she is not glued to the computer gleaning information about intriguing pop culture gossips, you will see her in a random coffee shop immersed in the surreal world of Murakami.