Yesterday, some new set photos of the Batmobile from Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice hit the web, but apparently director Zack Snyder wasn’t satisfied with how they represented the latest version of the now iconic vehicle, because he’s gone ahead and released a new image of it himself.
As you can in the photo above see, this is our best look at the new Batmobile yet. We’ve seen it draped with a tarp and shrouded in darkness next to Ben Affleck as Batman, and now we’re treated to a shiny new peak at what the vehicle really looks like.
The new Batmobile appears to be a lot like the one from the upcoming Batman: Arkham Knight video game, and looks like it could easily give the Tumbler from the Dark Knight trilogy a run for its money. Those guns on the front can definitely do some serious damage and it looks like there’s something on the undercarriage that comes out as well. Now, the only question is… can it hold up against someone like Superman?
Tell us, what do you think of the new Batmobile? Sound off in the comments section below!
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters on March 25, 2016.
Published: Sep 11, 2014 2:40 AM UTC