In a new photo from Peter Jackson‘s upcoming film, The Hobbit, we see Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) wielding his famous sword, Sting. The sword is infamous for fans who have read the Lord of the Rings series, but film viewers may remember Sting as the blade that saved Frodo during his run-on with Shelob.
Also in the photo – we see Freeman in full Bilbo gear, only now he’s a bit more dirtied-up. I’m not entirely sure as to the context of the image, but it looks to be from an action-heavy scene. Previous photos of Bilbo have mostly shown him chilling in his Hobbit hole so this new image is definitely a change from what we’ve seen so far.
Personally, I can’t wait to see The Hobbit; I think Martin Freeman is going to be absolutely perfect as Bilbo. What do you think? Check out the full-sized image, courtesy of First Showing, and let us know your Hobbit thoughts in the comments.
Published: Jan 14, 2012 04:21 pm