Have you seen the terrifying trailer for the up-and-coming Grudge reboot yet? If not, you should absolutely check it out. We know it’s not Halloween any more, but it’s causing quite a stare. We’ve also been exposed to the new poster, which is equally pants-destroying. And that’s not the only thing we’re being teased with in anticipation of its release.
Sony Pictures have recently uploaded a behind-the-scenes featurette, which showcases interviews with the cast and crew who all share one idea: that The Grudge is going to be utterly terrifying. Lin Shaye (Insidious) said that “this is real horror” while John Cho (Star Trek Beyond) insists that audiences are “gonna be screaming.”
There’s also a clip of producer Sam Raimi singing praises for The Grudge as a franchise. While it originally started life in Japan, the Americanized versions have gone on to become enormous successes, especially amongst diehard horror fans. And according to Raimi, the “new Grudge is much more of an intense experience than the other ones.”
If you’ll recall, the original was released back in 2002 before being picked up by American studios for a stateside remake in 2004, starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, with The Grudge 3 being the last in the series, which was released a decade ago.
According to director Nicholas Pesce, the new film will not just be a simple nod to the American versions, but will actually have a connection to the curse in the Japanese movies, something which isn’t made clear in the trailer but should be interesting to see play out.
We don’t have too long to wait, either. The Grudge will be hitting cinemas on January 3rd, 2020 and though that particular month is typically known for box office duds, we remain hopeful that the reboot will indeed have us screaming.
Published: Nov 19, 2019 5:24 PM UTC