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Terminator 5 Rights Fall To Megan Ellison

Megan Ellison and her production company Annapurna Films have won the rights to make at least two more Terminator films, including Terminator 5, in an auction deal that is rumoured to have hit the $20 million mark. Her production house beat out Lionsgate, who was believed to be the frontrunner so far. The project has Fast Five director Justin Lin attached and Arnold Schwarzenegger is set to star in the film.

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Megan Ellison and her production company Annapurna Films have won the rights to make at least two more Terminator films, including Terminator 5, in an auction deal that is rumoured to have hit the $20 million mark. Her production house beat out Lionsgate, who was believed to be the frontrunner so far. The project has Fast Five director Justin Lin attached and Arnold Schwarzenegger is set to star in the film.

Megan Ellison is spear heading her company to have a powerhouse couple of years. She has her name behind the Kathryn Bigelow/Mark Boal Black Ops movie Kill Bin Laden, the new Paul Thomas Anderson project and the just wrapped The Wettest County in the World. So far she has been a saviour for independent productions that may not have seen the light of day, so choosing Terminator 5 is an interesting plan. But in breaking this deal she is clearly very fastidious and a force to be reckoned with. (Deadline)

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