Emperor Palpatine
Image via 20th Century Studios

What did Emperor Palpatine actually do as Galactic Emperor? ‘Star Wars’ fans are filling in the gaps

Palpatine's brutality knew no bounds.

The wide world of Star Wars has seen many forms of political intrigue, fascinating character developments, menacing antagonists, and some memorable heroes with unforgettable contributions.

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Notwithstanding engaging storylines and subplots that conjure up numerous interesting theories, one of the franchise’s diehard fans posed a question on Reddit leading people to reflect on the saga once more. It concerns the actions of a formidable villain, Palpatine.

u/NickelElephant expressed their curiosity regarding the legacy left by the brutal Galactic Empire. In other words, the policies, ideologies, and laws that Palpatine in his 25-year-old reign forcibly imposed on the Empire, in addition to making him an undefeatable Sith dictator also impacted the universe even after his death.

Even though the comment was mostly met with humorous responses, many users also came up with significant assumptions. For example, his megalomaniac tendencies were emphasized, saying that some of the shrewd strategies possibly adopted by the Emperor included effective organization of the Empire as well as the mass massacre of the native inhabitants against whom he harbored deep hatred.

We are already aware of the extent to which the Sith dictator was willing to go to quell any rebellious tendencies in the Empire. Other than that, his manipulative tactics which helped him create some of his most trusted advisors like Darth Vader along with a trained army of fighters, Stormtroopers are proof of his brutal ruling strategies.

Even with Palpatine’s death, the political structure and ruling techniques he left behind continued. 

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Jayasmita Dutta Roy
A keen lover of cinema, Jayasmita harbors an utmost interest in staying updated about everything ranging from the classics to contemporary blockbusters. When she is not glued to the computer gleaning information about intriguing pop culture gossips, you will see her in a random coffee shop immersed in the surreal world of Murakami.