For months now, Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer and Greta Gerwig’s Barbie have been noticeably (and lightheartedly) competing for the top spot as movie of the summer. Starring the incomparable Margot Robbie, Gerwig’s upcoming fantasy comedy revolves around the titular Barbie and her counterpart Ken — the infamous fashion dolls created by Mattel — and the reality she is forced to face after being expelled from Barbieland.
As genuinely fun as one movie can get, parents scattered around the world are scratching their heads and wondering just how family-friendly Barbie actually is, and whether the flick is safe for little ones — especially when you stop to consider how many children have played with Barbie dolls in their lives.
Judging by the looks of the official trailer, of course, it’s safe to say that the movie doesn’t appear to contain many elements of violence or expletive language. But in a movie jam-packed with pink clothes and a sparkling Barbie Dreamhouse, it would be shocking to learn if the flick comes even close to an R rating.
What is Barbie rated?
In no major surprise, Barbie is rated PG-13, meaning that some elements in the movie might not be suited for kids — unless they’re accompanied by an adult, of course. While there are likely no graphic and violent moments in the movie, the film does contain elements of a love connection between Barbie and Ken, hence instances of the duo possibly kissing or going a bit further might not be suitable for young, innocent eyes.
Then again, the decision to bring the kids or not is entirely up to the parents themselves. But considering the fact that the movie is made based on dolls that are often played with by children, it definitely doesn’t feel like the sort of movie that children should avoid altogether. For those interested, Barbie struts into theaters on July 21.
Published: Jun 16, 2023 11:40 am