Warning: the following article contains minor spoilers for Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is set to bring a close to the story of Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) and his adventures on the big screen. As with all Indiana Jones films, however, Indy’s not alone: he’s joined by young Helena (Phoebe Waller-Bridge), Indiana Jones’ somewhat sly goddaughter.
It was a long time before it was revealed that Helena would have such a connection with Indy, though. For a long time, speculation was rampant about who this mysterious woman would turn out to be (and who she was related to). Now that the film has premiered at Cannes and has had some screenings since, we have our answer: as it turns out, Helena’s unrelated to any character we’ve seen before.
While we’re answering your pressing questions, it’s worth noting once more that the following may be considered by some to be spoiler-ish. While it won’t necessarily wreck your movie-going experience, if you want a completely fresh and untainted experience with Indy’s final adventure, we’d proceed with caution.
Who is Basil Shaw in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny?

Yes, Indiana Jones has had many adventures that we haven’t seen on-screen, and one of his frequent allies during his World War II adventures was Basil Shaw (Toby Jones), a fellow archeologist and teacher at Oxford. In a sequence set during the war, Indy is seen in his younger days escaping a Nazi-filled castle. It’s then that Indiana and Basil both learn of the Dial of Destiny, a device capable of altering fate and time itself.
Basil would eventually go on to father Helena, naming Indiana Jones as her godfather. Apparently, the years weren’t kind to Basil, and Helena remarks that her father was nearly driven mad by his search for the Dial of Destiny. By the time the next Indy flick makes its jump to its version of ‘present day,’ Basil has long since passed away. Helena, however, sees the profit in the venture, and it looks like her father’s search for unlocking the secrets of the legendary device lives on in his daughter’s hands.
What else has Toby Jones been in?

You’re probably familiar with Toby Jones himself, even if not by his name. He’s more of a character actor, known for playing interesting tertiary or supporting characters – than a leading man, but his career has been quite prolific.
Jones has been acting for thirty years straight now. Superhero fans might recognize him as Arnim Zola in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Hydra scientist who serves as a recurring villain for Captain America (Chris Evans). Zola was last seen as a disembodied consciousness on a computer in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
If you’re a Harry Potter fan, you might also recognize the man’s voice: he voiced Dobby the Elf in the series. He’s also starred in The Hunger Games franchise alongside Stanley Tucci’s Caesar Flickerman – he can sometimes be seen, in usual Capitol garb, as a co-commentator named Claudius Templesmith.
Jones has also popped up in franchises like Jurassic World and Doctor Who. You really never know where or when he’ll be showing up next – but we know for sure that we can catch him in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny when it lands on June 30.
Published: Jun 29, 2023 2:19 AM UTC