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9 Characters We Want Spider-Man To Team Up With On The Big Screen

he best part about Spider-Man finally joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe was the chance to see him rub shoulders with the rest of Earth's Mightiest Heroes for the first time. So far, Marvel has delivered on this promise and then some, with Tom Holland making his spectacular debut as Peter Parker in the middle of the hero-filled Captain America: Civil War. This was then brilliantly followed up with Spider-Man: Homecoming, which heavily featured Iron Man.


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What a perfect team Spider-Man and Ant-Man would make. I mean, they’re both themed after insects, so why wouldn’t they be best buds? Well, apart from the fact that they fought on different sides in Captain America: Civil War, of course. 

In a less combative situation, though, Peter Parker and Scott Lang should get on like a house on fire. Despite their difficult lives, both heroes are very optimistic, good-hearted guys who are overcome with a childlike wonder at working with the Avengers. Once the bridges between the two halves of the superhero team are rebuilt after the events of Infinity War and its sequel, how about having Ant-Man turn up in Homecoming 2?

Even Spider-Man himself, Tom Holland, thinks Scott Lang should be his next superhero partner, as he said he wants to have a “bug bros session” with the astonishing shrinking man. There’s not a particularly strong history in the comics between these characters, but the cinematic versions have got to get together.

Captain America

Captain American might have already turned up in Spider-Man: Homecoming in a series of hilarious school training videos, but it would be fun if he could appear in the flesh for the sequel. Seeing as Iron Man served as Spidey’s mentor in Homecoming, it only makes sense for the next film to pair him up with that other top-tier Avenger.

While Peter and Steve don’t have that immediate connection of being science geniuses like Parker does with Tony, you only have to watch Cap and Spidey’s first meeting in Captain America: Civil War to see that they do have some things in common and a mutual respect.

Though they were on opposing sides, Steve and Peter exchanged a few words during the airport fight and seemed to form a small bond over the fact that they were both born and raised in New York. If the pair were to get to know each other some more, they could also share their experiences of having great responsibility thrust upon them.

All this said, there is some doubt over whether Steve Rogers will make it out of the Avengers’ battle with Thanos alive, so any bonding between Cap and Spidey might need to happen in Infinity War or Avengers 4.

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