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8 Things Marvel Is Doing Wrong With Their Comic Book Universe

While the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to dominate the superhero genre on the big screen, the comic book universe leaves a lot to be desired. As sales plummet and retailers voice concerns that the company's decisions are hurting them, it's become clear that some changes need to be made.

3) Too Many Events

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Events are an inevitability in comic books, especially as they often sell well regardless of the reviews. However, somewhere along the line, Marvel got into the habit of starting their next event pretty much before the current one has even finished. That leaves fans with no time to appreciate the changes that the title has led to.

Take Civil War II, for example. The fallout for that begun before the main series wrapped up (something which can partially be blamed on various delays), and just as we’re getting used to Doctor Doom being Iron Man and Captain Marvel dealing with the fallout of taking down Tony Stark, the heroes will be united to take on the evil Captain America.

Readers are given no time to breathe, and with so many tie-ins and prequels and epilogue, the cost of keeping up with these is obscene. It also lessens their impact and makes them completely inconsequential, leaving fans with few reasons to buy them or invest in what’s taking place.

One event a year focusing on different characters would be good fun, but with so many for such a wide array of heroes, they’re all just blurring into one another and becoming a real bore as a result.

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