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‘I got Flowers in the Attic vibes’: Owner of 260-year-old Airbnb house investigates after guests complain of strange noises coming from attic

Time to pack up and leave — the demons can have the place.

The Greene Manor TikTok
Image via TikTok

Attics are creepy spaces. I’ve seen too many horror movies where a murderer or a ghost is hiding and waiting for an unsuspecting soul to wander up and be gruesomely killed.

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But that’s just fiction, right? What are the chances your attic has spirits or psychotic ax killers waiting to chop you up? Pretty low, right? Well, one lucky individual got to live out a real-life horror movie on TikTok after the Airbnb guests staying in their 260-year-old house mentioned some weird noises coming from the attic.

I don’t have an attic where I live so correct me if I’m wrong, but they’re not supposed to make noises right? Apparently the guests heard noises from the attic on three out of the five nights they were there. Was it ghosts? An intruder? Or something else? Whatever it was, the brave individual decided to take her phone and investigate — I’m just gonna say it right now, I think they need to bring in an exorcist.

First of all, why oh why is she going up there alone? I’d be bringing a whole squad and a few weapons with me. Secondly, that door is a red flag right off the bat, it looks like it has scratch marks on the inside. Ascending the creepy staircase we’re pretty much instantly jumpscared by a dress form placed right in front of the window — honestly, I thought someone was standing right there, get rid of that thing!

As she checks out the old space you get a feel for just how creepy it really is. It looks dark, dank, and all the doors creak; it’s got to be haunted for sure. The attic is a surprisingly big space too, lots of nooks and crannies someone could be hiding in. Anyway, the owner completes her checks and seems satisfied no one is up there. She does ask the viewers if she should install a camera to see if it captures anything — I would say the answer is yes, get on that, immediately.

The wild theories

People were lapping it up down in the comments. What could the noises have been? Why were there scratches on the door? Why was there a comforter on the floor? One comment claimed to see eyes at the beginning of the video, but it looks like a cute ‘lil cat to me. Another compared it to Flowers in the Attic, although luckily there are no children up there. 

Others suggested that it was likely squatters, which is a pretty realistic conclusion. The comforter could even belong to someone staying up there, although in another video the owner does confirm she brought the blanket up to the attic. That doesn’t rule out squatters, and it’s definitely something that does happen, like this story from The Guardian in which a woman discovered a man had been living in her attic for six months. Or this fellow TikTok story in which a man was found squatting under a woman’s house for months. We can’t be certain of the existence of ghosts, but squatters definitely do exist, so she might want to think about investing in some security.

On a brighter note, some thought the attic would make a lovely living space if the owner decided to convert it. If she doesn’t mind sharing the space with whatever lurks up there that’s definitely an option. So far there’s no word on whether the owner installed any cameras, but hopefully she does. My curiosity is piqued and I want to know what is causing the mystery sounds.

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