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‘You better stop whining and get into some policy’: Mark Ruffalo blasts Donald Trump for ongoing Biden complaints and billionaire cuddle sessions

Donald Trump has made Mark Ruffalo angry, you won't like him when he's angry.

Donald Trump and Mark Ruffalo
Photo by Grant Baldwin/Getty Images (left) Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for BAM (right)

Donald Trump’s method of debate typically involves childish name-calling and playground insults. While his underhand tactics may have worked against Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, he’s going to have to change things up if he wants to have a fighting chance against Kamala Harris.

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But he’s not going to do that. He did try to come up with some insulting names for Kamala, like “Kamabla,” but even his own base has criticized him for falling back on the same old tired tropes. Without his primary method of attack, it’s sort of left him stuck for what to do next. If he can’t insult his opponent on some surface-level quality, then what can he do? Maybe, just maybe, he could try focusing on his policies and what makes them better than Harris’?

Yeah right, don’t make me laugh.

He’d rather complain about how unfair it is that he will actually have to try now. Poor old Trump — I can only imagine how he must be feeling, knowing he can’t just throw insults around and lie during serious political debates without being called out on it. It must be so hard to be him right now.

However, not everyone feels so sympathetic to the convicted felon. The Hulk himself, Mark Ruffalo has joined the choir of Hollywood stars speaking out against Trump, taking to X to basically tell him to “stop whining and get into some policy.” Has he no heart? Can’t he see that Donald is the real victim here?

Ruffalo is sick of Trump being a big downer

Donald Trump was definitely one of those kids who would change the rules of the game when they were losing, but this is one game where he can’t change the rules, so he’d rather just complain about those rules rather than look inward and think about how he can change his approach. In other words, he believes the problem lies with everybody else. Worse yet, he’s convinced his followers to think the same way.

Ruffalo shared an article from the Huffington Post in which Trump claimed on his Truth Social account that Kamala replacing Joe is “not fair” and the equivalent of a coup. Of course, Trump is practically an expert on coups considering he helped incite one on Jan 6th. Funnily enough, Jan 6th was another example of Trump blaming everyone except himself for his own failure, and now he’s doing it again.

Ruffalo did make a good point though when he asked what policies Trump is really offering. If he had faith in his policies then it shouldn’t matter who he’s up against because that wouldn’t change what he is offering U.S. citizens. But that’s the thing, Trump knows his policies don’t offer much, if anything at all, for the average person, which is why he was banking on a political opponent, like Joe Biden, whose old age he can use to weaponize against him.

Trump knew he could focus on Biden’s health while distracting everybody from the fact that he himself has nothing to offer. Now that he can’t do that anymore he’s floundering like a fish. Would you look at that — all of a sudden it’s “not fair” anymore.

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