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While Marjorie Taylor Greene prays to end abortion in America, America prays that she resigns

Meanwhile, we pray Georgia voters see the light and oust MTG in November.

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images

There’s no overstating the absolute waste of space that is Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), a 49-year-old toddler who somehow doubles as an elected leader in the United States.

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When she’s not tossing taxpayer dollars down the drain by pursuing pointless, partisan politics that have no use other than being contentious, Greene spends her time haunting the halls of Twitter. She leans on lessons learned by former President Donald Trump for her rabid, unceasing posts on the social media site, where she spends her time flip-flopping between foaming at the mouth over the disgraced, twice-impeached leader of her party and masquerading as a human being with real feelings and emotions.

It was the latter mask she attempted to don on the evening of March 10, when Greene took to her Twitter page to remind people that, at the end of the day, she’s just as useless as her own vapid platitudes. Greene posted a tweet simply asking people to “join me in prayer to end abortion in America.”

There are so many aspects of the tweet that don’t sit right, but easily the premier issue I take with this sentiment is Greene’s status in this country. She is an elected official — a member of the House of Representatives, and a person with the rare ability to make real, concrete changes in this country. She may not have contributed to the decision, but let us not forget that Marj’s ilk already had a massive impact on the rights of Americans to access abortions, a change that promptly emerged as one of the least-popular Supreme Court rulings of all time.

So to ask people to simply “pray” for something, rather than put in the work to see it done herself, is just obnoxious. But that’s because Greene doesn’t actually want to do anything from her lofty position, she simply wants to project the appearance of productivity. So she tweets mindless drivel and dons her good Christian wifey mask to force her way under the guard of the few people who still support one of the nation’s worst modern politicians.

The right to an abortion was, for nearly 50 years, enshrined in our Constitution, guaranteeing that people in the United States had broad control over their own reproductive rights. That was eliminated in 2022, when the Supreme Court struck down Roe v Wade and robbed a bulk of Americans of their rights. That decision has seen nearly one in three woman lose access to abortion in their state, with some blocking the medical procedure completely and others severely restricting it.

We’ve yet to fully understand the consequences of this decision, but regular Americans grapple with the fallout on a daily basis. Many people now find themselves trapped in states that joyfully rob them of their rights to a necessary reproductive procedure, with alternate options dwindling more by the day. This issue, every day that it persists, puts the lives of in particular marginalized abortion-seekers at risk, and states with the harshest bans will pay the toll in lives.

But Greene doesn’t want to talk about that. She wants to put her hands together and serve up some pointless, banal dog whistles to boost her supporter base without doing anything at all to earn it. Meanwhile, the bulk of America is watching and waiting from the sidelines and sending out a prayer themselves — that Greene will resign her position in Congress to a far more worthy opponent — a qualification anyone over the age of five could meet — and fade into history as an embarrassing skid mark on the GOP’s MAGA-red underoos.

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