Liz Cheney hasn’t hidden her feelings about Donald Trump for a while now, and when speaking about the events of Jan. 6, 2021, she shared what she really thought about Republicans who stand behind him no matter what.
As House select committee vice chair who was looking into the events of that horrifying day, Cheney said, “I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.” In light of Trump’s incoming second presidency, her words are even more relevant now.
Or, in other words, being a decent person with integrity and compassion for other human beings matters the most.
Cheney’s words are particularly impactful considering how many former Trump critics are now massive fans of his… or are even joining his Cabinet. It wasn’t so long ago that RFK Jr. didn’t have a single good thing to say about Trump. In 2016, raw milk’s largest fan and fluoride’s biggest enemy said, “he’s just gonna open the floodgates to every kind of pollution.” He also said, “every statement that Donald Trump makes is fear-based.” He also likened Trump to Hitler, which is something that JD Vance also did. In 2016, Vance sent a Facebook message that said, “I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical a**hole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler.” Now, almost a decade later, both men have changed their tune. They might not care about their painfully obvious flip-flopping, but there’s a record of their words.
Unsurprisingly, Republicans aren’t pleased with Cheney’s refusal to sign off on whatever Trump says or does. Cheney was among the committee members who produced “The Final Report of the Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol,” a 2022 analysis of the insurrection that came in at 900 pages. According to a new report by chairman Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) and the House Admistration Committee with the Orwellian title of “Interim report on the Failures and Politicization of the Jan 6 Select Committee,” Cheney’s outspoken nature and anti-Trump vibes are problematic. The committee wrote, ominously, “Numerous federal laws were likely broken by Liz Cheney. These violations should be investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”
Cheney is right that once Trump is gone, anyone who thinks he’s on the correct path (or who is pretending for political clout) will have to reflect on all the pain and suffering they tacitly endorsed. Of course, not everyone is capable of reflection, inner work, and change, and Republicans will no doubt continue to smile and nod along with Trump for the next four years.
Cheney continues to say what she feels and do what she thinks is right, and that includes talking about voting for a Democrat for the first time, and continuing to spread awareness of the dangers of Trump. (Of course, that’s all too clear by now.) According to CNN, she said acting like Trump had nothing to do with Jan. 6 is ridiculous, because he’s “a 76-year-old man. He is not an impressionable child.” That may be true, but when does he not act like a child? Actually, that’s insulting to children. Honestly, my 14-month-old daughter would be better able to handle the pressures and responsibilities of the White House. At least, like all toddlers, when she’s cranky, she has a snack and a nap and then is back to her sweet and caring self.
Published: Jan 13, 2025 02:48 pm