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It’s back to first grade for Marjorie Taylor Greene, who can’t even list Mike Johnson’s ‘three betrayals’ without another a grammar fail

It's time for Marj to learn her lesson. One of them, anyway.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) departs Capitol Hill following a vote on April 19, 2024 in Washington, DC. The House has allowed a long standing international aid bill for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan to come to a vote this weekend over objections from some Republican members.
Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

Do you ever wish that life, and not just X (formerly Twitter), had an edit button? If any of us were Marjorie Taylor Greene — maybe in a Being John Malkovich kind of way, except much scarier — we definitely would, given the number of embarrassing errors the Georgian rep has made in public.

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She mispronounced “indictment,” thought the Nazis had a “Gazpacho police,” and seems to be under the apprehension that there were such things as taxes during the Ice Age (Sid the Sloth worked for the IRS, apparently). If we were Marj, we’d be mortified, but actually MTG herself seems to lack the self-awareness to even notice her mistakes let alone learn from them so she is doomed to keep on making the same ones.

Case in point: the least likely member of the House to win a spelling bee has committed her favorite grammatical sin all over again in her latest tirade against Speaker Mike Johnson. Employing stark, sentence-long declarations, Marjorie probably hit send on this tweet and sat back to admire the sheer power of her rhetoric and command of the English language, blissfully unaware of the fatal flaw in the third-from-last paragraph.

For those who don’t have the stomach to read the full tweet (and I sympathize), Greene biblically blasted Johnson for the “three betrayals” he has committed against the Republicans, like he’s some kind of MAGA version of St. Peter, before ruining her own point with a truly mystifying mistake:

“All three of those are choice’s Republicans should not make unless they want to hand the majority over to Democrats, then they themselves would be to blame,” wrote MTG in a vague approximation of a meaningful sentence. Can you spot the error?

That’s right, on top of attempting to run down Johnson like the bus driver from Mean Girls, Marjorie is continuing her one-woman crusade to destroy the apostrophe. Seriously, if you ever decide to do some social media self-flagellation and go back through MTG’s X feed, you’ll see her misuse the apostrophe time and time again. To misquote Chris Pratt on Parks and Recreation, it’s clear that Marjorie has no idea what an apostrophe should be used for and, at this point, she’s too afraid to ask.

You know what? I get it. The apostrophe is a confusing little upside-down comma and it can be as hard to fully comprehend as the interior workings of Marjorie’s mind. So here are a couple of examples to remember. It’s not “Your a waste of space, please leave Washington immediately” it’s “You’re a waste of space, please leave Washington immediately.” And the correct usage is not “Shes got the IQ of a radicalized, racist tomato,” but “She’s got the IQ of a radicalized, racist tomato.”

See, Marjorie, learning can be fun. Until your pal Elon Musk adds an edit button to X, though, please just take a moment to proof-read your tweets, otherwise us Grammar Nazis will be forced to send our Gazpacho police out to get you.

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