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Marjorie Taylor Greene takes a moment out of her day to explain why Americans are ‘enslaved’

Does the T in 'MTG' actually stand for 'tax-dodging?'

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) speaks to journalists outside of the U.S. Capitol Building on September 30, 2022 in Washington, DC. Ahead of starting a six week recess to campaign for midterms, the House of Representatives held two final votes, including one for the continuing resolution to fund the federal government until December 16th.
Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

While Donald J(erkwad) Trump finally begins his hush-money trial, we’re wishing we had enough money to make his heinous henchwoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene, hush up as well. Unfortunately, we don’t, thanks to April 15 marking the federal tax deadline.

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Nobody counts doing their taxes as among their favorite activities, but thanks to MTG, we’ve just been reminded of something we enjoy even less: remembering that we live in a world where an elected representative of the American people believes in “Jewish Space Lasers” and thinks the Nazis had “Gazpacho police.” Unluckily for us, she’s spewed more witless word salad on X (formerly Twitter) to blast the Biden administration for rising taxes.

And just because this wouldn’t be a true Marj tweet unless she used some seriously sketchy language, she once again employed tone-deaf slavery imagery, which really didn’t work out well for her the last time but apparently she’s not about to let it go.

“As Americans pay their hard earned tax dollars to the federal government that has enslaved them in $34.6 Trillion in debt, left us unprotected from a continual deadly border invasion & rampant crime & drugs, and perpetual government policies that are actively destroying our future, Congress returns to send close to $100 billion more to fund foreign wars,” MTG shared. Pro tip: imagining her tweets read in the voice of Animal from the Muppets takes the edge off.

“There are winning solutions to all of these problems when Washington remembers who pays for everything and who they took an oath to serve,” MTG concluded. Yes, this is professional bully and minority-hater Marjorie Taylor Greene acting like she, and the rest of Trump’s party, are warriors of the people.

A glimpse at the top-voted replies to her tweet, however, reveal that many are having none of it. Several statistic-savvy users immediately pointed out that the reason taxes have risen so high is because of Trump’s corruption during his own presidency, which unsurprisingly favored his one-percenter pals and threw everyone else under the bus.

“Hey why didn’t you mention the $2,000,000,000,000.00 that Trump gave away to corporations via massive tax cuts?” asked one tweeter.

“Thanks to Trump’s tax ‘cuts,’ in 2017, nearly every American EXCEPT THE WEALTHY will pay more in taxes this year than before,” exposed another.
“Trump raised our deficit by 25% how much of my tax dollars are going towards paying back the PPP loans than you didn’t have to pay back?” quizzed a third. Seriously, why is Marj acting like she’s Robin Hood when we have the receipts to prove she’s the Sheriff of Nottingham? Or maybe that snake sidekick he has in the Disney version.

Somehow, this is still marginally less mystifying than Marj’s response to last year’s tax season. Back in April 2023, Taylor Greene argued against a funding boost to combat climate change because governments didn’t increase taxes during the ice age and the planet turned out fine. Yes, she really believes we had working governments and tax systems approximately 20,000 years ago.

Clearly, three things in life are unavoidable: death, taxes, and MTG tweeting inane, ignorant nonsense.

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