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Lauren ‘below zero credibility’ Boebert speaks the truth for once by accurately calling Donald Trump a ‘crook’

Go go, Bobo!

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) speaks with reporters as she leaves the U.S. Capitol for the weekend on May 17, 2024 in Washington, DC.
Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

They say even broken clocks are right twice a day, and apparently that also applies to the warped minds of the MAGA inner circle. Though it might seem like you’d more likely find Donald Trump talking in coherent sentences than witness Marjorie Taylor Greene or Lauren Boebert speaking truths, sometimes they manage to mangle their own meanings so much that they end up saying it exactly like it is.

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Michael Cohen gave TrumpWorld the ammunition they’d been waiting for when he admitted to stealing $30K from Trump during the former president’s financial fraud trial, as the loyal subjects of the BO King of the GOP can now use this to make Trump seem like the victim. Unfortunately for them, they’re so excited to use Cohen’s own criminality to back up their points that they’re outing their own idiocy in the process.

First, Marjorie was so busy coming after Cohen that she forgot Fox News hates her guts. Then belligerent Beetlejuice fan Lauren Boebert was so full of glee at Cohen’s admission that she neglected to backread her own tweet. Thereby leaving in an extremely telling word that may say more than she intended. See if you can spot it.

“Michael Cohen’s credibility was already at zero,” Bobo bleats. “Now it’s at -30,000. He admitted that he improperly kept $30,000 from the Trump Organization. So the key witness in this phony trial is also a crook.”

Yes, “also a crook.” While trying to bring Cohen down a peg, Boebert seems to have accidentally revealed her own belief that Trump himself is indeed a crook. Well, Lauren really should have a good nose for sniffing out criminality by now, following her own son’s arrest on the back of 22 charges — including 5 felonies.

There’s also something delicious in a swamp creature with a history of public indecency like Lauren talking about someone having less than zero credibility.


Boebert’s math is also intrinsically flawed here. Sure, Cohen’s credibility is negative 30,000… But that’s still higher than Trump’s, at negative 500 million.

It looks like this is yet another failed burn to add to Boebert’s ever-growing file of weaksauce comebacks, following her awful attempt to one-up President Biden after he roasted her to a crisp at the White House Association dinner. Maybe she should stick to what she’s good at. Like, um, tanking her own donations? Getting masterfully heckled by college students? Trying to kill wolves?

Trust the Trump Squad to not only miss a wide-open basket but to send the ball flying back in their own faces.

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