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Lauren ‘my son was arrested for identity theft’ Boebert sets her sights on a new hobby: killing wolves

It's been a bad week for canines in Republican households...

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) departs from the U.S. Capitol Building during a vote on legislation pertaining to TikTok on March 13, 2024 in Washington, DC. The House of Representatives voted Wednesday to ban TikTok in the United States due to concerns over personal privacy and national security unless the Chinese-owned parent company ByteDance sells the popular video app within the next six months.
Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Lauren Boebert has a spectacular knack for being on the wrong side of an issue.

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The politician from Colorado’s most recent “win” is her dubiously named “Trust the Science Act,” a bill which delists the grey wolf as an endangered species and allows farmers, ranchers, and anyone else to legally kill them.

In a short video, Boebert describes the bill as “putting people ahead of violent predators,” which is ironic considering her support of violent men like Donald Trump. Her boasting about a canine murdering bill is also not coming at the best time for Republicans who claim to be animal lovers, with Trump’s potential vice president pick Kristi Noem currently under fire for killing a puppy.

This cartoonishly bad behavior, which most editors would have a writer remove from a story for being too unrealistic, seems to run deep through everything Boebert does. It’s become so prominent that even her staunchly Republican base, who are notoriously bullish about supporting their candidate regardless of immorality or competency, are thinking of booting her out.

Boebert has already faced some political repercussions for her attention seeking behavior. She’s moved districts from one side of Colorado to the other after nearly losing out to a Democrat in her original seat, and in her new constituency she is going to have to put up a fight to be win a heavily contested primary. Many of Boerbert’s opponents are local to the area, so her national profile might be more of a hindrance than a help. However, if she does win, there’s almost no chance of avoiding another few years of her, as the district is redder than a MAGA hat.

It isn’t just her embarrassing political theatrics that have led to her being on the ropes. Recently, Boebert has been through the ringer with several personal scandals. A few months ago she was kicked out of a performance of Beetlejuice for both vaping and groping her partner, both of which are things we’re pretty sure aren’t in the bible. Boebert has made a show of apologizing, but when she says sorry it lacks the conviction she shows when complaining about things like children speaking out about school mass shootings.

Boebert has also had some family scandals, showing the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Her husband Jayson has been arrested a number of times, and the Boebert’s are notorious in their neighborhood for their aggressive, occasionally violent arguments. Then there’s her son’s crime spree, for which he was arrested.

Perhaps Boebert is keen to take her aggression out on endangered animals. Or maybe she is just doing her usual trick of saying the worst possible thing. With any luck, once this year is over it will go back to being just her problem, instead of an entire country’s.

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