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‘Lock this menace up’: Marjorie Taylor Greene runs to hide Donald Trump’s true face, unaware he is severely anti-damage control

If anything, she only made it worse.

Marjorie Taylor Greene on Donald Trump Bloodbath
Photo by John Bazemore-Pool/Scott Eisen/Getty Images

It is hard to deny it anymore — all Donald Trump supporters are truly hardworking souls. When they are not covering up their own scandals, they have their hands full with fixing their ideal’s glaring blunders, such as blatantly issuing a deadly threat and leaving no space, even for someone as dedicated as Marjorie Taylor Greene, to remedy the situation.

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One moment Marj was basking in the slice of praise Trump threw her way, the next second she had to jump up and hurry to explain that when her hero said there would be a “bloodbath” for the country if he didn’t win the election, he meant it for the automobile industry and was not openly threatening another insurrection.

The said incident happened during a campaign rally in Ohio where the GOP candidate committed a lot of gaffes and uttered insulting comments — his usual claims that Joe Biden defeated Barack Obama in an election, saying immigrants are not people but “animals,” and having trouble saying words as well as finishing sentences. But things took a darker turn when while claiming how the the auto workers and the car industry needs him as president, he turned to stating a bleak future for the U.S. if he is defeated in the elections.

“Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath. That’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.”

His speech instantly triggered a nationwide debate, reminding America that this is the same man who was responsible for the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol attack.

This left MAGAs to set up a defense argument – the very people who were gullible enough to believe when he said he would only be a dictator for a day if he returned to the White House. Trump supporters shared full clips of the speech, attempting to explain that he meant a bloodbath for the automobile sector and that the “fake news” was simply twisting his words. While his rant about the car industry does precede the ominous prediction, the jarring comment about the nation and its future floats without any logical or grammatical connection to it.

Of course, Greene had to run to his aid as well. 

But of course, her crying wolf didn’t help, at all.

At this point, I actually feel bad for the MAGAs. Here they are, striving to establish that the ex-president has good intentions and hoping everyone is as blind as they are, and there is Trump, doubling down on his concerning words by petitioning for not just Presidential immunity but also demanding that “even events that “CROSS THE LINE” must fall under total immunity” in a Truth Social post.

You know what, I take it back — there is no point in extending even pseudo-sympathy to MAGAs. I understand the Trump associates supporting him and overlooking his real agenda — they will gain from his win. But the general public? The Trump supporters who donate to his “campaign” but knowingly or unknowingly finance his lawsuits, the ones who defend him passionately even as Trump boldly presents who he really is and what he plans to do with the country once he wins? I am sorry, people intentionally blinding themselves don’t really deserve understanding or sympathy.

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