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‘Never happened. Not once’: Lost in his homophobia, Donald Trump cooks up his own sick version of ‘the transgender thing’

Has he actually ever spoken to any transgender people?

Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

As the Labor Day weekend approached, a certain tangerine-tinted septuagenarian found himself basking in the adulation of a gaggle of starry-eyed conservative women in a swanky Washington ballroom.

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Yes, folks, former President Donald Trump, took the stage at the annual Moms for Liberty event on Friday night to unleash his patented blend of provocative rhetoric and controversial opinions that no one ever asks for. For those unfamiliar with Moms for Liberty, they’re the charming bunch known for their unwavering opposition to anything remotely LGBTQ+ in schools, their aversion to discussing racial equity, and their unbridled enthusiasm for tossing books onto the proverbial bonfire. The delightful event was sponsored by none other than the Heritage Foundation, the very same gang that cobbled together Project 2025, the 900-page magnum opus that dreams of a Christian dystopian authoritarian hellscape.

Curiously, Donald has been trying to distance himself from Heritage Foundation, but hey, when it comes to playing to his base, consistency is for the birds, right? 

During his verbal extravaganza, Trump hit all the classic Trump notes: lambasting President Joe Biden, whining about illegal immigration, and waxing nostalgic about his glory days as the king of reality TV on The Apprentice. Donald also demanded the swift execution of the Department of Education (figuratively, we hope), the banishment of transgender athletes from girls’ sports, and the financial starvation of any school daring to promote what he deems “inappropriate” content. While these positions are hardly surprising coming from a man who has been dubbed a “Christian fascist dictator” by some, what followed next was truly astonishing.

Donald Trump, in a stunning display of ignorance, claimed that schools are actively deciding to make kids transgender. “Uh, the transgender thing is an incredible thing,” he remarked. “Your kid goes to school, and comes home a few days later with an operation.”

I’m sorry, what? “Today, students, we’ll be learning about the reproductive system, and if there’s time, we’ll squeeze in a few gender reassignment surgeries before lunch.” Said no teacher ever.

Firstly, the idea that schools possess the omnipotence to unilaterally determine a child’s gender identity is simply absurd. Gender identity is a deeply personal and complex matter that is influenced by a variety of factors, including biology, psychology, and social environment. It is not something that can be imposed upon a child by a school or any other external force.

Secondly, Trump’s claim that hordes of transgender folks are wallowing in regret 15 years post-transition is a heaping pile of unsubstantiated hogwash. Studies suggest that less than 1% of transgender individuals who undergo gender-affirming surgery end up regretting their decision. That’s a drop in the bucket compared to the 14.4% of the general population who experience buyer’s remorse after similar surgeries. Take, for instance, the 5-14% of women who undergo mastectomies to lower their breast cancer risk and later wish they could turn back time. In contrast, less than 1% of transgender men who have the same procedure find themselves singing the blues.

Lastly, the notion that kids are skipping off to school and returning home a few days later, freshly equipped with a shiny new set of gender-affirming body parts, is beyond preposterous. Transition-related medical treatments, especially surgeries, are not decided upon with the same level of forethought as choosing a new pair of socks. They involve extensive counseling, psychological evaluations, and a thorough informed consent process.

The increase in transgender and gender-diverse students in schools is not the result of some nefarious plot to secretly transition children without parental consent. Rather, it is a reflection of a growing societal acceptance and understanding of gender diversity. More and more kids and families are feeling empowered to live their truth out loud, and schools are stepping up to create safe, inclusive spaces that celebrate every student’s authentic self, no matter where they fall on the gender rainbow.

Trump’s comments are not just factually bankrupt, but they also feed into the toxic cesspool of stigma and marginalization that threatens to drown the transgender community. And yet, somehow, this is the man who some sections of Americans are looking to for leadership and guidance. If Trump’s comments on transgender individuals are any indication of his decision-making abilities, then we should all be quaking in our boots at the thought of him making crucial policy decisions that impact millions of lives. It is up to us to be the antibodies that fight back against this sickness.

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