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‘On my way to Springfield for some fried poodle’: Kamala Harris debating with flaming trash is far from the most incendiary meme Donald Trump will never live down

What a Trumpster fire.

Screengrab from the Trump/Harris debate, with Trump looking flustered as Harris appears amused.
Screengrab via Wall Street Journal

Do you hear that? It’s the winds of changes. That may have been said by a lizard that sounds like Steve Buscemi in a Pixar movie, but it’s an apt description for the collective sigh of relief heard across the U.S. this morning after the second presidential debate ended up going very differently from the first.

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Kamala Harris was what you might call the anti-Joe Biden, hitting Donald Trump where it hurt with well-constructed rhetoric and making him look like the lying toddler he is with the occasional (actually pretty frequent) disbelieving wink or knowing smirk. Harris’ performance was an absolute gift to the meme-makers of the internet and, unsurprisingly, the debate has transformed the current VIP into even more of a folk hero than she was before, and the…. former president into an even bigger laughing stock.

The memes, like both Trump’s lies and his supply of adult diapers, are endless, but here are some of the absolutely most savage to come out of the Donny-debilitating debate.

The best memes and reactions from the Sep. 2024 presidential debate

Ladies and gentleman, the Trumpster Fire.

Oh boy, 3AM… Time for some fried poodle!

Don’t forget “escape from insane asylum.”

Cards Against Humanity for a candidate against humanity.

Let’s get real.

Kamala Harris is now a literal cat lady. Nobody tell JD Vance.

It’s said that as soon as the words “In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs” left Trump’s mouth, you could hear a million Simpsons fans crack their knuckles as one.

Truly, the Deadpool & Wolverine of debates.

Speaking of…

Someone please make a supercut of all of Trump’s rivals laughing at his “eating the pets” line.

Trump wishes he was this interesting.

We can’t take his keys at Thanksgiving, but we can take away his key states.

Taliban Abdul was not expecting to get a namedrop like that.

The Taylor endorsement is in… and it’s not AI!

Well, you have to hand it to him, Trump finally beat Biden at something.

Right from the moment she came on stage and threw him by politely introducing herself and initiating a handshake, Harris had Trump on the ropes. Unleashing the prosecutor inside, the Democratic candidate managed to predict her opponent’s arguments ahead of time and was abundantly prepared to deal with his flagrant falsities when they came up.

Although those firmly in the Kamala camp might’ve loved it if she really went to town on him at a couple of points, taking the Michelle Obama high road was likely the right way to go about winning over those on the fence. And maybe even some of those previously aligned with Trump. The grass is always greener on the other side, after all, especially when your side is orange.

The memes that came out of the first debate were terrifically tragicomic, no doubt about that, but those that the second debate produced are that much sweeter knowing that they’re made with zeal and joy for Trump getting shown up for what he truly is: your rambling right-wing uncle somehow elevated way beyond his capabilities.

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