Barron Trump isn’t exactly going to have a regular college experience full of beer pong, late-night study sessions, and existential dread. His famous last name kind of makes that impossible. But you’re not going to believe the latest on his time at New York University…
A source told People, “He’s a ladies man for sure. He’s really popular with the ladies.” Yes. This is happening, apparently. The source also said, “a lot of people seem to think he’s pretty attractive,”and added, in case there was any doubt, “even liberal people like him.” …Oh, even liberal people! It turns out NYU students have forgotten all about Barron’s father’s political history (and horrifying political future) because they’re so excited that Barron is attending that school. Who knew? It might seem like hardworking and ambitious business students would be focused on the piles of classwork they likely have, but perhaps they’re too distracted by Barron to focus.

Barron became a student at the Stern School of Business at NYU in Sept. 2024, and to hear this source tell it, he’s totally thriving. Despite his last name, no one knows a ton about him, besides the stories that come out from time to time. Like a disgusting so-called joke he made. But it’s hard to sympathize with anyone who is part of the Trump family. And it’s hard to hear the term “ladies’ man” associated with any Trump male and not feel your lunch coming up. Or decide to skip lunch entirely, which I would usually say is a bad idea.
Although Barron has been a more private figure than the rest of his family, his dad has talked about him from time to time. If you’re wondering where the name “Barron” comes from, which is a fair point considering it’s so dreary and fear-inducing (and also shares a spelling with the financial publication Barron’s and not, you know, “baron,” a title of nobility) Donald told Oprah Winfrey once, “It’s a name I’ve always loved but I never had the courage to use.” He added that after telling Melania about the moniker, he “was going to take it away at the very end,” and Melania said she got attached to the name while pregnant. …”Take it away at the end?” Away from what? Is Trump so powerful he can remove a name from the universe? Alright, anyway, now everyone knows.
And, if you’re curious about Donald’s opinion on his son’s love life, apparently he has no clue whether his son has ever dated anyone. Totally normal. In an interview on the PBD Podcast, Donald said, “I don’t think he’s had a girlfriend yet.” On a scale of totally absent to helicopter parent, where is Donald? If Barron was in a relationship with a TikToker, I guess Donald had no idea. Donald must have known that his young son liked his suitcase, though, based on how viral that random statement went a few years ago. Or maybe he didn’t, considering the fact that he always talks about his son as if he has no idea who he is, or where he came from.
So, Barron might not have a social media presence where he shares his life at NYU, and he might not be publicly talking about who he’s dating, if he’s dating anyone at all. But now everyone is fully informed of his “ladies’ man” status. Is anyone sure the anonymous source wasn’t Donald, though? Oh, wait, the president-elect would probably only say that about himself.
Published: Dec 12, 2024 03:15 pm