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‘Time to get some new material, Donald’: Trump’s limited vocabulary reaches critical mass in side-by-side comparison of Biden/Harris roasts

He has like five phrases he says on repeat and that's it.

Donald Trump
Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images

I’ve often wondered why it’s so difficult to listen to Donald Trump speaking at rallies. Aside from all his rambling and hatred and bigotry of course, there’s something else that just makes listening to him a chore.

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Now I finally understand just what the issue is, and it’s all thanks to a side-by-side comparison showing just how limited the former president’s vocabulary really is. His speeches are repetitive, filled with recycled insults and the same buzzwords on repeat like some sort of broken record.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then just take a look at this clip shared to X. In the video, we can see Trump using the same insults on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and I mean they are pretty much exactly the same, right down to the tone of his voice and the exact wording.

Has Donald Trump run out of material?

It really seems like he has nothing more to say than the same tired old talking points, and it just proves that he’s just talking trash. Trump has always opted to go for the low hanging fruit, hurling personal insults and the like rather than actually engaging with his opposition’s policies and actions. 

The fact that he’s used the exact same insults on both Harris and Biden just demonstrates how basic his talking points are – if you can apply what you were saying about the last candidate to the new one, then what you’re saying probably isn’t very substantial. Recycling insults is just plain lazy; the least he could do is come up with something new to attack Kamala with, and yet, so far, he’s been unable to come up with anything, and believe me, he’s tried.

He brings up both Biden and Harris’s IQs but as far as I can tell, neither of them have ever resorted to playground insults, and if they have, they’ve never reused them in the same lazy fashion Trump has. I think we all know who the real low IQ specimen is here.

Down in the replies people were comparing the convicted felon to a modern day Tickle-Me-Elmo; press the button, and he’ll say one of his five iconic phrases!

Honestly, that’s a perfect description of Donald Trump, and I’m kind of mad I didn’t think of that comparison myself. Others blasted those who criticized Kamala for being repetitive when Trump is literally repeating himself word for word.

That being said, when Trump isn’t repeating himself, he usually ends up saying the most out of pocket stuff imaginable – like calling Kamala Harris beautiful and comparing her to his wife during his interview with Elon Musk. Honestly I’m not sure if that’s worse than his repetitive insults, all I know is it would be a lot better if he’d just stop talking altogether.

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