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Unyielding succubus Marjorie Taylor Greene aims her mouth cannon at the ‘trans agenda’ with archaic gender claims

There's still no off button for this out-and-proud dunce.

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Photo by Kent Nishimura/Getty Images

I’m holding out hope for the day when I can erase Marjorie Taylor Greene’s name from my internal rolodex, but alas, that day is still, at best, months out.

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In the meantime, I — along with all of you — will be forced to contend with the GOP’s official drama queen on a near-daily basis. The exhausting 49-year-old Congresswoman boasts an extremely limited capacity for intelligent thought and took it upon herself to prove it recently when she took aim at the issue of trans rights.

Doing her best impression of the soulless, self-serving controversy magnet that is J.K. Rowling, Greene put on her TERF hat for yet another pathetic attempt to cling to relevance. Since shrieking about Mike Johnson and faffing on about her shameless support for Russia isn’t getting her anywhere, Greene is shifting focus to the trans rights movement.

Taking to social media to put her stupidity on full display, Greene promptly confirmed that she’s never come face-to-face with an original thought in her life. Working to promote yet another worthless bill, she claimed that in order to “stop the trans agenda against our kids,” the U.S. must “pass my bill Protect Children’s Innocence Act!”

The unrepentant blockhead went on to proclaim that there are “only two” genders, male and female, and declared that “the rest is just pretend.” Putting aside the blatant falsehood that is that statement — something that’s backed by years of scientific research — the tweet from Greene is nothing but a regurgitation of the exact same points people much smarter than her made years ago. They’re all toxic morons too, don’t get me wrong, but at least they’ve mustered up an original thought once or twice in their lives.

It’s almost a comfort, as trans people continue to fight for the right to healthcare, to basic respect, and to safety in their day-to-day lives, because essentially every effort Greene throws her support behind fails. So, now that she’s on the transphobia train, the chances of it fading into irrelevance, just like its vapid new proponent, are much higher.

Greene’s record as a politician is utterly abysmal, and she has a track record of tanking initiatives the moment she adds her banshee wail of a voice into the mix. Perhaps her new efforts to rob transgender people of their rights and put children in danger by forcing them to adhere to gender norms that don’t suit them will have the same result, and in decades we’ll be praising Marjorie Taylor Greene as the woman who finally brought trans rights to the forefront.

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