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‘How is that possible?’: Woman who’s been pregnant for 10 months and counting is seriously bored of waiting for her lazy baby

There's shy kids, and then there's this.

You know those mornings where you wake up fairly early without any time-sensitive commitments to greet you, and you decide that you’re just too cozy to get out of bed any sooner than you have to, and then proceed to take pleasure in the universal-yet-bespoke comfort that you’ve found for yourself?

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Well, here’s the thing about those moments that not a lot of people talk about; in the overwhelming majority of these cases, you only ever end up regretting it after you’ve gotten out of bed. Imagine, then, how much more you’d be compelled to stay in bed if, after getting out of it, you were greeted with bright lights, screaming, several years of crapping your pants, learning math, going into debt, and paying taxes for the rest of your life.


Baby is due Today – 10/05 ❤️💫

♬ Get Fn Wrecked – ᴀʟɪɢᴀᴛᴜʀʀ

Indeed, TikTok‘s @lolocookie12 may be a bit fed up with the dawdling of the baby growing inside of her, but I’m firmly on team baby here; you enjoy the comfort of that womb for as long as you possibly can, you little whippersnapper, because you’re in for one hell of a ride once you pop out.


Whenever you’re ready little one. 💫 We cant wait to meet you! ❤️

♬ still no baby – Christi 🤡✨

The first video was posted about three weeks ago, so there’s a good to fair chance that the little one in question has made their worldwide debut by now. In all seriousness, though, it’s worth noting that a pregnancy that goes longer than 42 weeks could potentially imply health risks for the baby.

Luckily, there are plenty of options available in situations like these; a c-section can be performed, or labor can be induced in ways such as directly opening the membranes, an oxytocin drip to trigger contractions, or softening the cervix using saline or prostaglandin gel.

It is our strong assumption and even greater hope, then, that the lack of updates we’ve received from Lauren is indicative of her grabbing motherhood by the horns and giving this new adventure the proper attention it needs. By the looks of things, she’s not a frequent TikTok poster, so updates—especially in light of what’s probably the arrival of her baby—would understandably not be her priority.

In any case, as a late arrival myself, I fully understand biding one’s time in the warmth of a mother’s tummy; to this day, there’s anecdotal proof that I peeked out for one second and then slipped right back in, because even all those years ago, I knew that the world could miss me with all that noise any day.

So good luck, kid; may you be blessed with many a comfy morning in the days to come.

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Image of Charlotte Simmons
Charlotte Simmons
Charlotte is a freelance writer for We Got This Covered, a graduate of St. Thomas University's English program, a fountain of film opinions, and probably the single biggest fan of Peter Jackson's 'King Kong.' She has written professionally since 2018, and will tackle an idiosyncratic TikTok story with just as much gumption as she does a film review.