Images via TikTok / @willpofficial

‘I love this for Elon’: Parking lot full of Tesla Trucks is vandalized with a message tailor made for the man in charge

Look away, Elon.

If Elon Musk is at all having a rough time out there right now, then his bad day is quickly about to go from bad to worse. At least, that’s if he catches a glimpse of a recent video gaining traction over on TikTok.

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The aforementioned video, which was originally posted by @willpofficial just 5 days ago, showcases a once-vacant parking lot in Florida that is now being leased by Tesla housing an abundance of the company’s full-size Cybertrucks. At first glance, nothing appears to be out of the ordinary — that is until the camera pans to a different section of the parking lot, where a plethora of Cybertrucks are shown to have been vandalized with the phrase “F*** Elon” spray-painted across the hoods of the cars. Sorry, Elon, but you might want to look away.

Now, vandalizing another person’s (or company’s) property is certainly not an ethical decision and definitely warrants some backlash, but it’s also hard to feel bad for a man who is so insanely rich that he probably doesn’t know how much a gallon of milk costs in today’s age of inflation. Then again, with how much the Cybertrucks actually look like refrigerators, maybe he does.

A poor choice in decision or not, one of the biggest mistakes Tesla could have made here was dumping a bunch of its quality cars in a previously abandoned parking lot and leaving the cars unattended and without security — especially seeing as statistics revealed by the Insurance Information Institute report that Florida ranked second amongst the top 10 states with car theft and vandalization.

In the future, perhaps Elon should equip a parking lot full of his cars with tighter security. Either that, or market these particular trucks as special editions. That’ll show ‘em!

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Taylor Mansfield
Fascinated by the art of journalism, Taylor Mansfield has been writing for over 10 years. In the present day, she lends her expertise as a Staff Writer / Editor for WGTC, tackling a broad range of topics such as movies, television, celebrity news, and of course… *anything* horror! Because wherever there is horror — Taylor isn't far behind. She has previously contributed to entertainment sites such as GamersDecide, MovieWeb, and The Nerd Stash.