It’s never nice getting a lecture from your parents, but this TikTok video shows off how it can actually pretty funny when someone else is getting a lecture from them instead. A video clip posted to TikTok with a staggering 13.3 million views shows off one girl’s parents blasting off at her best friend.
In the video, the best friend and the poster’s mom argue about something while the dad adds his two cents periodically. The content of the discussion is blocked out due to the music track — for privacy purposes — but the emotions are there plain as day for all to see. The parents and the best friend in this situation clearly have a great relationship, or the strength of feeling wouldn’t be there at all, but this is one moment where no one’s having fun (except for the girl capturing the video!).
With more than 3.3 million likes on the platform, this video clearly resonated with people. Many people have a BFF who’s there for the long haul, rain or shine, ready to do whatever is necessary — even if that means climbing onto a roof to save your shoes — so it’s no surprise that the video is popular. One user even proclaimed “she’s been initiated,” referencing how the best friend was clearly part of the family now. There are more than 8000 comments on the video, with many users jumping in with their own BFF experiences.
A big theme in the comments was people sharing their own experiences of “best friending” so hard they become part of the family. One user wrote “Best friended so hard I call her mom “mom”” in a touching display of affection, while another said, “Mine best friended so hard she’s coming on our family trip to see my moms family.” Talk about sisterhood! One user couldn’t help but quip “that’s it, she’s their daughter now,” and it’s totally easy to see why.
Although most of the comments were focused on the relationship between the two girls and the parents, many commenters were adamant that they needed to hear the video with full audio. That conversation looks heated, and curiosity can get the better of us! One user wrote “WE NEED TO HEAR WITHOUT THE MUSIC,” but there were many more comments along those lines, all of them desperate to know what, exactly, was so bad that the girl received a lecture from someone else’s parents. Unfortunately for them all, we’ll never know, as the vocals were left out to preserve privacy while still sharing a funny and touching moment.
It’s great having a close friendship with someone, and many of the comments were about needing or wanting a BFF like those in the video, although sometimes BFFs can make embarrassing choices. But the right friend can be a great port in a storm, so it’s no surprise that many commenters said things like “bro I want this kind of friendship with someone” or “Goals I wished I achieved.” The clip’s original poster called her best friend her “sister in spirit,” and that’s definitely a relationship goal many can get behind.
Published: Jan 13, 2025 05:26 am