Some people are bold and courageous every single day, while others need a bit of help to feel secure and ready to take on the day. A favorite podcast and a steaming cup of coffee seems to help, at least for me.
TikTok user @notthataccount1 found one person who is so self-assured that they wore shorts to the mall. Not just any shorts, though. We’re talking super tight shorts that don’t leave anything to the imagination. This would already be attention-getting, but it was even more memorable since he was out for the day with his adorable daughter in a princess costume. Everyone nearby stared, which is of course a normal reaction, but come on, this was so cute!
Comments ranged from “It’s glutes/hams day for dad” to “Nobody’s judging, we’re all just starring! I mean can you blame them.” Or, as one person said, “That’s confidence right there.” Others were thrilled to see the dad hanging out with his daughter. As one said: “That little princess walking so happy next to him is all that matters.” In other words, he’s the best dad ever, and it’s clear they already have a sweet bond that will only grow with time.
Hey, he’s clearly spent a lot of time at the gym, so there’s nothing wrong with showing off your results! According to Men’s Health, someone who trains regularly with heavy weights might add half a pound of muscle to their body in 30 days. In contrast, someone just starting out could gain one-four pounds of muscle in that time. Men are thought to add 35-45 pounds of muscle to their bodies throughout their life, according to expert Lyle McDonald.
One particular study says when a man exercises prior to having kids, the kids end up having some health benefits. According to a 2018 study published in the journal Diabetes, men who exercise could have children who have less fat mass and better insulin sensitivity. That last benefit would allow the kid to have a lesser chance of getting health conditions like diabetes. Their kids might also weigh less. Although weight is a complicated topic (and the BMI is outdated in some ways) so you can’t automatically say someone who weighs less is healthier, the main takeaway is that working out is a good idea. And since it can be tough for everyone to get to the gym, let alone parents with packed schedules, that’s a helpful reminder.
This dad definitely makes time for his own workouts, and that’s inspiring. One study that started in 2007 and ended in 2016 discovered that you’re going to exercise for 80 less minutes a week if you have at least two kids five years old or younger compared to childfree people or those with one kid. But if parents combine breaking a sweat with being with their little ones, that makes it easier and more doable. 83% of 2,000 parents who responded to a OnePoll/Life Time survey in 2022 said they prefer getting some movement in with their children instead of sitting at home. 32% said they enjoy swimming, 36% said they dance, and 36% start a game of basketball.
So, not everyone might be ready to put on short shorts and walk around a mall without a care in the world. But let’s at least be motivated by this awesome dad to be ourselves and not worry so much about what people are going to say.
Published: Dec 5, 2024 10:33 am