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7 Things The Walking Dead Must Do To Get Back To Its Best

It's widely acknowledged that The Walking Dead is far from its heyday right now. After an attention-grabbing - if controversial - premiere, season 7 began to see viewers drop off every week as the show continued to chew the fat and lose steam. Thankfully, things have picked up in the last couple of episodes, and likewise, the viewing figures have also started to increase again. The midseason finale, in particular, might not have been a classic episode of the show, but it did offer hope that things would pick up when the series returns in February for its second half.

2) Focus The Plots

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This might seem like a vague instruction but, it sums up just where the show is going wrong at the moment. It’s hard to deny that season 7 has so far been severely lacking in the plot department. The premiere and the midseason finale had some meat on their bones but, as previously discussed, most of the episodes in the middle were filler.

The Walking Dead has always been a show that isn’t afraid to slow things down and work at an intermediate pace – to be honest, the average episode of any season of the series can be summed up in a fraction of the time it takes to watch. This was taken to an extreme this season, though, and we have the sneaking suspicion that you could cut half of the material out and still lose nothing of importance. To some extent, this has been exacerbated by the handling of the extra running time, but it’s also something that is felt in the regular length episodes, too.

Thankfully, the second half looks to ramp up the drama as Rick and co. are set to at last take a stand against Negan. Let’s hope it won’t be too little too late and will actually manage to kick things up a notch.

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