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9 Questions We Want Answered In Stranger Things Season 2

Glorious 1980s throwback Stranger Things has turned out to be the surprise TV hit of the summer and yet another jewel in the crown for Netflix’s original content.

8) Is Nancy Going To Stay With Steve?

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It’s not all sci-fi and scares in Stranger Things, there’s some classic John Hughes-esque high school drama, too. At first, Nancy only had eyes for her jerk boyfriend Steve, but over the course of the show she grew closer to loner Jonathan. Still, she was seen cosying up to Steven in the finale. Will things stay that way?

To be fair to Steve, he did turn it around in the final episode, as he defied his horrible friends and rescued Nancy and Jonathan from a monster. On the other hand, Jonathan has always been a nice guy who proved his bravery when investigating his brother’s disappearance. However, he also took photographs of Nancy while she was undressing (for artistic reasons, apparently). Maybe she made the right choice, after all.

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