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9 Questions We Want Answered In Stranger Things Season 2

Glorious 1980s throwback Stranger Things has turned out to be the surprise TV hit of the summer and yet another jewel in the crown for Netflix’s original content.

4) Is Barb Really Dead?

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Despite appearing just three episodes, Nancy’s best friend Barb is now the unlikely star of her own internet fandom. It seems the unfashionable character who felt awkward at parties struck a cord with viewers who saw her as a highly relatable person.

Unfortunately, Barb appeared to bite the bullet early on when the creature snatched her away to the Upside Down. And if we were left in any doubt about her fate, we then saw her in a desiccated state in a later episode. And yet in an interview with IGN, creators the Duffer brothers did admit: “There’s no closure [for Barb] at this point… We don’t want to forget about Barb.”

Could they mean that Barb will somehow return next season?

3) What’s The Real Story About The Upside-Down?

With all the high-octane drama and emotional gut punches of the finale, it doesn’t occur to you until after watching that we didn’t actually find out a lot about the overall mythology of the show. In fact, we don’t really know that much more from when it began.

We know that using Eleven to spy on Russian secrets resulted in the breach between dimensions that brought Hawkins into contact with the Upside Down, but what exactly is that place to start with? Inspired by Dungeons and Dragons, the kids call it a dark mirror of our own world – supported by the fact that it resembles a nightmarish version of Hawkins. There is some talk of parallel worlds, as well. Is the Upside Down a timeline where there was some apocalyptic outbreak of monsters?

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