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8 Questions We Have After The Walking Dead Season 7 Premiere

After months of agonizing waiting, The Walking Dead season seven premiere has now arrived – at last revealing who was on the unlucky end of Negan’s trusty bat Lucille at the end of season six. Beware, there are spoilers from this point on. OK, got that? Then let’s proceed.

3) Does Daryl Blame Himself For Glenn’s Death?

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A particularly cruel twist of the opening episode is that one of the deaths could have been avoided. After Negan kills Abraham, Daryl lunges at Negan in retaliation. Unfortunately, Negan thinks that deserves further punishment and so turns around and violently bludgeons Glenn to death. So, does Daryl blame himself for what happened?

Well, the short answer is: yes, absolutely. Even though Daryl did what anyone would do in that situation, he’s surely going to feel responsible for the results of his outburst. According to Norman Reedus, it’s something that is going to weigh heavily on him for some time to come:

“He goes very, very dark. He does certain things that he can’t go back from. He goes to a very, very dark, dark place. It’s a combination of hatred. It’s a combination of self-loathing. It’s different from when he first started on the show. He has a big chip on his shoulder. He thought people wouldn’t like him. He didn’t give a shit. He hates you, too. It turns now into he kind of hates himself. He hates the world that we’re in, and he doesn’t lose the fight in him, but he definitely no longer sees anything good in the world, that’s for sure.”

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