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8 Questions We Have After The Walking Dead Season 7 Premiere

After months of agonizing waiting, The Walking Dead season seven premiere has now arrived – at last revealing who was on the unlucky end of Negan’s trusty bat Lucille at the end of season six. Beware, there are spoilers from this point on. OK, got that? Then let’s proceed.

1) Who Will Negan Kill Next?

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As brilliantly played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Negan has come into the show like a force of nature. He’s only been in two episodes so far, and he’s already cut down two of the series’ main cast. It serves as one hell of an introduction for the character, with many predicting that he could go on to replace The Governor as The Walking Dead’s best villain. Yet, he needs to keep up this momentum in the long term to ensure his place at the top.

Obviously, there’s a lot of material to mine from the comics here. Such as his fascinating relationship with Carl, the one person he actually seems to respect. While it could be interesting to humanize him to some degree, what we really want is for Negan to remain an unpredictable, unstoppable threat. Which, unfortunately for our heroes, means someone else has got to die.

Given how much interest the season 6 cliffhanger generated for the new season, they will no doubt want to recreate the shock deaths of this episode. So, who will be next for the chopping block and when will it happen? All we know for certain is that Lucille has not claimed her last victim on The Walking Dead yet…

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