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Arrow’s Season 5 Finale Could Deliver Some Major Character Deaths

Season 5 of Arrow has revolved around Oliver Queen's attempts to come to terms with his legacy as the Green Arrow and his first days wearing the hood, but when the finale rolls around on May 24th, the vigilante will be returned to the island of Lian Yu, the place where it all began for him.

Season 5 of Arrow has revolved around Oliver Queen’s attempts to come to terms with his legacy as the Green Arrow and his first days wearing the hood, but when the finale rolls around on May 24th, the vigilante will be returned to the island of Lian Yu, the place where it all began for him.

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We already know that that will lead to Oliver seeking out the help of Deathstroke, but Arrow executive producer Wendy Mericle has now made it clear that not everyone is going to necessarily make it back from there alive. While Prometheus being a goner wouldn’t come as a huge surprise, considering the fact that the series has a habit of killing off its big bad, who else might end up meeting their maker?

Well, we can’t say for sure just yet, but here’s what Mericle teased:

“Chase has been trying to prove to the world and to Oliver that he’s not a hero, he’s a killer, and he’s going to pull out one final, big whamo at the end that’s going to leave Oliver reeling. We might lose some people.”

It’s clear that Arrow is going to pull out all the stops here, but in the episode which will bring those flashbacks right up to where the series began back in 2012, we now know that not everyone will survive. That’s something sure to worry fans, especially since characters like Diggle and Thea Queen could find themselves on the chopping block.

While we also know that the season 5 finale will feature Black Siren and a battle for the League of Assassins between Nyssa and Talia al Ghul, seeing Prometheus’ plan come to fruition promises to be the most compelling reveal here. It’s possible Arrow could end up using him in season 6 too, something which would be a welcome change to the idea of having a new lead villain take centre stage every year, but something tells us that his time is almost up.

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