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DC TV Roundup: Supergirl Finds Love, The Flash Is Welcomed To The Jungle

While Marvel and DC battle to see who wins at the box office, it’s virtually inarguable that it's the latter who dominates the small screen. Now having taken over four nights of the week when it comes to prime time programming, serialized superhero storytelling has swiftly become a cornerstone in the lives of many a geek these days.

3) Sir Mxy-Lot

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Confession time: I hate Mr. Mxyzptlk (henceforth referred to by his nickname of “Mxy” because carefully typing his name is a pain in its own right). Yes, I’m fully aware that he’s one of Superman’s most popular and enduring villains, but the imp from the Fifth Dimension gets on my nerves like you wouldn’t believe.

Fortunately, I’m able to look at things objectively and say this week’s episode of Supergirl was quite possibly one of the best the series had to offer to this point. Despite my disdain for Mxy, this was arguably the best live action adaptation of him ever.

Aside from seeing his reality altering powers being realized in a way that wasn’t feasibly possible for Superboy, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman or even Smallville, his attempt at courting Kara only succeeded in solidifying her relationship with Mon-El, ending the episode with a kiss – and possibly even romantic congress (hey, we don’t know what goes on when they fade to black).

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