Well, Doctor Who‘s gone ahead and done it again.
We’re only a few weeks removed from “Rosa,” which was undoubtedly one of the show’s most powerful hours, but now, the BBC’s served up yet another gripping installment of the sci-fi series in the form of “Demons of the Punjab.” Though not quite as stirring as the aforementioned “Rosa,” it was still a moving outing for Who and apparently, caught quite a few fans off guard.
Taking to Twitter after the episode aired, many viewers made it clear just how emotional they were while watching, and how surprised they were at what they were feeling. Below, you’ll find a sampling of what folks are saying, and it’s clear that a lot of people weren’t ready for such a powerful hour of television.
As we said above, “Demons of the Punjab” wasn’t quite on the same level as “Rosa,” but it was still another strong episode for what’s been a mostly superb season so far. In fact, our very own Christian Bone summed it up best in his review, where he wrote the following:
“Demons of the Punjab” is another installment that travels back to a dark period of human history and tells an intelligent, genuinely moving story.
That it does, Christian. And things look to be continuing along on the right track, too, as next week’s episode, titled “Kerblam!”, will move away from the past and jump into the future, where the Doctor will be investigating a “warehouse moon orbiting Kandoka, and the home of the galaxy’s largest retailer: Kerblam!”
It all goes down next Sunday on the BBC, when Doctor Who returns to our screens. In the meantime, though, feel free to take to the comments section below and let us know what you thought of this week’s installment. Did it have you feeling all emotional? And how did it compare to “Rosa”? Make yourself heard!
Published: Nov 12, 2018 1:01 AM UTC